Please be praying for the following families...
- Bart Pederson & Steve and Amy Pridmore left yesterday and are on their way to Africa on a Compassion International Vision trip for pastors. There are 19 other pastors from across the south / south east going. They will be visiting their field offices, and making home and center visits to see their leadership development, child rescue, and child feeding programs.
Please pray especially for discernment / sensitivity to the spirit, to be a blessing to the staff, children, and this travel team, airplane and travel grace, strength and protection. They will be arriving back in Knoxville late on the 13th.
- Brandon Cline (originally from Lenoir City) lives in Mississippi with his wife and 10 month old son Carter. Last week, Brandon was diagnosed with Hodkins Lymphoma. He has a large mass on each of the lymph nodes an his lungs causing him to be short of breath and elevating his blood pressure. He will wait to have a lung biopsy until next week, after they return from Maryland where they have a "surgery evaluation" appointment at Johns Hopkins for baby Carter. Carter was born with O.E.I.S. complex, a very rare and serious condition with multiple birth defects. Please pray for HEALING and full recovery for both Brandon and Carter. Pray for strength for this precious family. You can follow their blog at
- Jim Waddell was in a serious bicycle accident over this past weekend. he is in the hospital with many broken bones (all ribs on one side, pelvis, and collar bone). He is in a lot of pain and feels overwhelemd with so many injuries. Please pay for Jim's quick recovery and that he would be comfortable as his body heals.