Monday, November 21, 2011
Please Pray for Nina's Grandson,Timothy.
Continued Prayers for Scott Ritchie
Friday, November 18, 2011
Prayer for Terry's Much Needed Surgery
Prayer of Healing Needed for Scott Ritchie
Thank you
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Prayer for Diane Hawkins and Family
Please pray for healing for Michelle
Friday, October 28, 2011
Prayers for Caden Carter
Prayer for Matt Wiley
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Please Pray for Healing for Barbara
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Please Pray for Brett Berry
Please pray for Brett Berry. Brett is one of our drummers on the worship team. He has several broken bones in his foot, which is not too good when you’re a drummer. Please pray for healing and a full recovery for him.
Thank you
Monday, October 10, 2011
Prayer for little boy, Caden Carter
Please lift up prayers for this precious little 2 year old boy, Caden Carter. He is the son of Kim Lucas Carter who is one of our preschool teachers. Caden was taken to hospital this weekend with severe intestinal problems. Doctors are now suspecting Pancreatitis. Please pray that the doctors receive wisdom on how to treat Caden and that Jesus’ healing touch embraces him and comforts his little body. Please also pray for his family to receive peace that God in control and cares deeply for his little children.
Mark 10:16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
Thank you.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Prayer of Healing for Liesl Lanzoni
On August 31st we prayed for Cynthia Lanzoni’s 22 year old daughter, Liesl. She is still struggling with constant intestinal issues and is not able to eat enough food, due to her medical condition. The lack of food is now effecting her energy and she is feeling weak and tired. Please pray for powerful healing to begin in Liesl’s body, and for wisdom for the doctors to treat her. We are praying Liesl is strengthened while she waits upon the Lord, and that she experiences the peace of knowing that God is in control and cares for her deeply.
Thank you,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Prayer for Healing for Howard Smith
Thank you
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Prayer for Ethel Hale (Mom of Diane Hawkins)
A couple of weeks ago we prayed for Ethel Hale, Mother of Diane Hawkins. She had suffered several strokes and Diane’s prayer was to make it to Georgia in time before she went to be with Jesus.
Diane did make it in time. In fact, Ethel is still with us and has been moved to a cardiac unit. According to the doctors she is no longer in danger of passing away. Diane’s prayer is for her Mom’s health to continue to improve and that she would be able to communicate with her. She is asking for the Lord’s prompting on when to return again to Ga, and also that her brother would be able to visit her. Please also pray that hearts are softened for other family members.
Thank you,
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Prayer of Healing for Kelley Hart
Your prayers are needed today for our precious Kelley Hart. As you know Kelley’s surgery has not had the expected level of healing. She is still struggling with fighting off infections and feeling worn down. We want to claim the powerful healing touch of Jesus Christ upon her today. I’m reminded of Jesus’ tender and loving words in Mark 5:34 …And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace You have been healed."
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Prayers for Sheri Shanks and her boys, Seth & Ryan
Monday, September 12, 2011
Prayer for Ethel Hale
Please pray for Diane Hawkins’ mother, Ethel Hale (83). She has suffered several strokes and is now critical. Diane and her family are driving to Augusta Ga. to be by her side. The prognosis is not good, so Diane has requested prayer for God’s peace and for His timing so that they will make it to see her before the Lord takes her home.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Dear Intercessors,
Just a quick reminder that “The WELL” will meet begin meeting this week in the Worship Center from 6:30 – 8:30. We will continue to pray for our leadership for wisdom in this season and that God would give us His heart for Welcoming and Caring for those He is sending to Two Rivers.
I hope to see you there!
Prayer for George Winebarger
Friday, September 2, 2011
Prayer for Donna McGinnes' Mom
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Please pray for Rod Harper's Mom and Dad
Please pray for the parents of Rod Harper. Rod is heading down to Florida today to be there for his Mom, who has been in and out of hospital with heart problems; and his Dad, who has dementia and had a stroke yesterday afternoon.
Please pray for the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard Rod’s heart and his mind in Christ Jesus, as he cares for and comforts his parents. Pray for God’s comfort and healing for his Mom and Dad as they go through these health troubles.
Urgent Prayer Request for Alicia Brooks
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Prayer for Laurie Toca
Please pray for Jan Ellis’ daughter, Laurie Toca who lives in California. She went in to have a pain in her abdomen check today and numerous masses were found on her liver. Please pray that the further scans which have been scheduled will show something better and for a special touch from Jesus for Laurie. Also pray for Jan, as you might guess, she is very worried and distraught.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Prayer for Evelyn Snyder and family
Please pray for the family of Steve Snyder. Steve past away yesterday after he was taken off dialysis and moved to hospice care at Park West hospital . His wife Evelyn served as our volunteer receptionist for several years, and Steve’s daughter and son in law, Tracy and Jeff Reed are members at Two Rivers. Please pray for the Lord’s comfort and peace during their time of loss.
Prayer for Joann Hill
Prayer for Larry BornStein
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Prayer for a family that lost their home in a fire
Please pray for favor with the Insurance company, and for this family as they begin to rebuild. Their builder has agreed to begin building a new house, so please pray for blessings on this new home.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Prayer for JoAnn Barone
Please pray for JoAnn Barone. She will be having some tests done on Thrusday, August 18, and is praying for good results.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Prayer for Greg
Please pray for healing for Greg. He has been diagnosed with a heart problem and does not want to have surgery.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Prayer for Doreen VanReit
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Prayer for Bart, Brandon & Jim
- Bart Pederson & Steve and Amy Pridmore left yesterday and are on their way to Africa on a Compassion International Vision trip for pastors. There are 19 other pastors from across the south / south east going. They will be visiting their field offices, and making home and center visits to see their leadership development, child rescue, and child feeding programs.
Please pray especially for discernment / sensitivity to the spirit, to be a blessing to the staff, children, and this travel team, airplane and travel grace, strength and protection. They will be arriving back in Knoxville late on the 13th.
- Brandon Cline (originally from Lenoir City) lives in Mississippi with his wife and 10 month old son Carter. Last week, Brandon was diagnosed with Hodkins Lymphoma. He has a large mass on each of the lymph nodes an his lungs causing him to be short of breath and elevating his blood pressure. He will wait to have a lung biopsy until next week, after they return from Maryland where they have a "surgery evaluation" appointment at Johns Hopkins for baby Carter. Carter was born with O.E.I.S. complex, a very rare and serious condition with multiple birth defects. Please pray for HEALING and full recovery for both Brandon and Carter. Pray for strength for this precious family. You can follow their blog at
- Jim Waddell was in a serious bicycle accident over this past weekend. he is in the hospital with many broken bones (all ribs on one side, pelvis, and collar bone). He is in a lot of pain and feels overwhelemd with so many injuries. Please pay for Jim's quick recovery and that he would be comfortable as his body heals.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Prayer for Kelsey & Eddie
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Prayer for Katie
Katie Cole just moved here this weekend from Texas. She is pregnant with her first child, and he is due Oct 20th. As of now both of his kidneys are measuring large, almost 3 times larger than they should be. The doctors say there is some kind of blockage and if it doesn't correct itself he will have to have surgery as soon as he is born. Please pray for the complete healing of the baby's kidneys, and perfect health for both the baby (Jackson) and mom, Katie.
Pray for a smooth transition as she finds new doctors here in Knoxville. She has to find an OBGYN and a specialist to keep an eye on the baby's kidneys.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Update on Will Pridmore
See the update below from Steve:
Sorry for the delayed update. Will finally ended up going into surgery a little after 6:30 and was out about 8:15. The surgery went perfectly with no complications. His chest looks completely normal now and the doctor doesn't expect any setbacks. We were able to spend some time with him (Amy is spending the nights there at the hospital) while he was somewhat coherent and he wanted me to take a picture of his chest so he could see it. He kept saying he couldn't believe it was his chest.
From this point on it will be pain regulation as he will feel as though all his ribs have been broken for about a week. He's on several strong pain meds that should at least take the edge off, and the doctor is hoping that with his youth it might not be as severe for him as some; but that is still a big prayer request.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Prayer for Will Pridmore
Steve Pridmore’s son, Will, is having a corrective procedure for his indented chest. The surgery is scheduled for 2pm today and should last approx 2 hours.
Steve says it is a pretty straightforward surgery, but long recovery. Will will be in the hospital approximately a week to stabilize and regulate his pain.
Please keep Will and the Pridmore family in your prayers over the coming days and weeks.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Prayer for Doreen
Please be praying for Doreen VanReit as she has a biopsy today. Pray for cancer treatment, peace, and good care.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Update on Mary K
Please read the update from John on Mary Lynn's mother, Mary K:
Some of you know that here in the last couple of weeks Mary K has had a recurrence of cancer that has now swept pretty much everywhere from her throat down. Mary Lynn and Kathy were supposed to have taken her to Memphis today as part of a last visit to friends and families but she started showing some symptoms that it was a bad idea. What was thought to be 3-6 months away is looking like weeks or days.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Prayer for Brooke
Her 32 year old husband Sam, just had chemotherapy last December, so it would just really mean a lot to them if they could get prayer that Brooke is healthy and is able to deliver a healthy baby at 40 weeks.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Prayer for Sherrie Allen
Dear Intercessors,
Sherrie Allen has cancer and will be having surgery on June 1st. Please pray for peace for all the family, healing from the surgery and wholeness in her body. If you would like to help the family with meals, errands, or yard work, please contact and he will connect you with the coordinator on Sherrie’s CareCalendar.
I will update you as I learn more.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Prayer for Katie & the Andrews Family
- Katie- I am only 21 years old, and I have had a total of 5 pregnancies, but only 1 birth. My first 2 pregnancies ended in miscarriage before 6 weeks. My 3rd pregnancy, I gave birth to my daughter, who is now 2, and perfectly healthy. My 4th pregnancy, I made it to 10 weeks, and misscarried. And my 5th pregnancy, which I recently had 3 months ago, ended in miscarriage at 5 weeks. My doctor said I have a progesterone hormone deficiency which is what feeds the pregnancy for growth. Please pray for me, that I will get pregnant again, and give birth to another healthy child.
- The Andrews Family-Their house was flooded during the severe weather we had a few weeks ago. They have been working hard to restore their home but as you can imagine they are weary. Please pray for strength and encouragement for this couple and their children.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Prayer for Faye Col
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Prayer for Lori Busby and family
Lori Busby’s father was killed in some sort of work-related accident. We don’t have any other details, except that her daughter Sarah is driving Lori to Alabama. Please pray for the family as well as safe travels for Lori and Sarah.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Praise God for his faithfulness!
First of all I want to say WOW!!! Regardless of any test results – I have been blessed! I have totally felt the impact and power of the prayers being offered to God for us since I sent you my prayer request. I don’t know how many times over the past 12 days I’ve had to literally stop what I was doing and take time to thank God for the peace, joy and love that he was pouring out on me - and I knew it was because of the power of prayer – your prayers. God hears every single one. His church is a powerful force on earth and the prayers of His children are a mighty weapon. Thank you for being so quick and so faithful to answer the call by standing in the gap for Carrie, Luke and I by praying for and encouraging us.
I received my MRI results today and the Lord heard our cries and answered our prayers! The scan was clear and there are no tumors or any signs of cancer! The doctor said that the damage to my hearing must be due to the radiation treatments – and I’m dancing for Joy! I am placing the problems with my ear in the Creator’s hands and if it is His will for me to have this thorn in the flesh as a reminder of what He has carried me through – then I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses because His strength is made perfect in our weakness. But I know without a doubt that if Jesus can pick up the ear that Peter chopped off with a sword and put it back on the soldier who was about to drag Him off to be beaten and crucified, the He can heal any damage to my ear.
My Heavenly Father has chosen to take this cup from me, and I am so grateful. With the weight of this trial over these past 12 days, I couldn’t help but think of the cup that Jesus asked His Father to take from Him - if at all possible. While sweating blood, Jesus knew that if one soul could be saved for all eternity, then He wanted the Father’s will to be done – all the way to the cross. There was no short cut for Jesus, He had to feel every whiplash and every thorn. Praise Him this week for the unfathomable weight that He bore for us – so that our burden could be light.
As each of you have been praying for us, I’ve been asking Jesus to pour His Spirit out on you and to fellowship closely with you in a new, fresh and real way. I’ve asked for Him to do for you what Romans 15:13 says:
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Please let me know if there is any way I can pray for you - whatever you may be goint thru. Also, please share this with anyone you asked to pray for us and continue to keep my family in your prayers....And have a Huge Praise Party with us and the awesome news we received today!
Your Brother,
Stephen Alexander
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Prayer for Josh Mott
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Urgent Prayer for Duane Bennett
Prayer for Joe Rosa & 3 year old boy
- Joe Rosa, who is facing spinal fusion surgery of 5 vertebrae in his neck. His problems are from "leftover issues" from a surgery when he was a child to remove a tumor, and he has been told by two specialists that the surgery required now will have to be repeated after so many years. He is at great risk of paralysis from neck down, without the surgery, and it is a risky surgery itself, of course. They all live in Pocatello, Idaho. He is married and has four young children. He is a believer. Pray specifically for: 1. God's healing hand upon Joe 2. Wisdom in choosing what doctor/hospital to use(Boise or Pocatello) 3.Direction in future career (he installs commercial heating and air systems and has been told he cannot continue to do this job)Diane wrote:"Prayer is needed for my friend Emily. She is at Children's Hospital with her 3 year old son. His kidney has stopped working and he is not voiding. Please pray for and claim a miraculous recovery that can only be through God's power and grace. Also, pray for his father who is not a believer."
- Diane Paultre's friend Emily is at Children's Hospital with her 3 year old son. His kidneys have stopped working and he is not voiding. Please pray for and claim a miraculous recovery that can only be through God's power and grace. Also, pray for his father who is not a believer.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Prayer for Cory Bennett
Friday, April 8, 2011
Prayer for a student
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Prayer for Mike and Kaitlin
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Prayer Request for Today and the Weekend
Please be in prayer for the following prayer request today and this week.
• Japan- Continue to lift up the many people of Japan devastated by last week’s earthquake and tsunami, pray for God’s grace, mercy and provision to be poured out on this people. Pray the church in Japan would be strengthened in these days and that the name of Jesus would be lifted high in that place.
• Brad at 2rc South Fl – Be in prayer this week for Brad as he will be speaking at Two Rivers South Fl. Pray for his preparation time, protection from any attack of the enemy and that God would use him powerfully in ministry this weekend. Ask specifically for the harvest
• Steve Pridmore at 2rc – Please be praying for Steve as he will be speaking to us this weekend at Two Rivers Knoxville. Steve is getting some rest this week with his whole family, pray that he will be refreshed & renewed by his time away. Pray also for his preparation, protection for all the ways the Lord will use him this week as he teaches. Again, ask for the harvest.
• Quiet Waters Retreat – Continue to pray for those that the Lord is calling to meet with Him at QW’s, that the enemy could not keep them from attending. Pray also for the health & protection of all ministry teams that will be serving over the weekend.
• Brent, Paula & Corey Howell – Pray for the Howell’s as they travel to Jamaica to serve at Robins Nest this week. Pray for their safe travel, against any sickness and that they would be a blessing and encouragement to the Willey’s and orphanage.
As always, thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Prayer Request for Today & this Weekend
Please be in prayer for the following request:
Jon Teague & Sunday’s services – Pray for Jon this week as he will be teaching this Sunday on the subject of healing. Pray for wisdom & anointing for Jon as he prepares and for protection for him and his family. We also sense the Lord may lead us into ministry times after the services to pray specifically for healing for those that are dealing with health issues. Please pray for wisdom and for the Spirit’s leading during our ministry times, pray also that God would increase the faith of His people this Sunday.
Our Students – This week concluded the series on sex & purity that both middle school and high school students have been going through over the past several weeks. This has been a timely series for our students and I believe that God has used it to help take back ground in the hearts of our kids that the enemy had stolen or at the very least was at risk of being stolen. Pray with me that every seed that was sown throughout this series would be buried deep in the good soil of our students hearts and that they will be protected until they take root and grow up and bear the fruit God intended in their lives.
I would ask that you also pray for Chris, Jon and all of their volunteers that God would be their rear guard and that He would cover and protect them and their families and that any and all attempts of the enemy to attack them or create a backlash against them would be powerless & ineffective.
Pastor Brad at Two Rivers South FL - Please pray for Brad this weekend as he will be teaching at our sister church in South Fl. Pray for Brad's preparation time and for the Lord to use him powerfully during the weekend to bless this congregation & Steve and Amy!
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray for our church family!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Steve Brook's Father
He is also in a lot of pain. The drug store is out of his eye drops for his transplant eye, and he has only limited blood thinner shots left.
Please keep lifting him up in prayer, cause his spirits are down right now.
You can specifically pray for:
- Encouragement
- Less pain
- Medical and logistical complications to be cleared up
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Update On Mary's Mom
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Mary's Mother in Hospital
Mary got a call this morning that her mother, Enith, was disoriented last night at the nursing home, and seems worse this morning. The staff advised Mary to come and take Enith to the ER in case she had experienced a mild stroke.
Now the doctors are unsure if Enith had a stroke. Her heart is racing intermittently, which is not good. They are admitting her to the Cardiac Care Unit and will try to stabilize her heart rate with an IV. They are still in the ER waiting for a room but hope to have one soon.
Please be praying for Enith, Mary and her family, and wisdom and skillfulness for the medical staff.
Mary and Enith are at Parkwest Loudon which is the hospital beside Chilis in Lenoir City.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Prayer Request & Praise Reports
Please see the praise reports and prayer request below!
Baby Carter Smith - Carter is out from under the lights, the IV is out and Erin & Josh will get to take him home tomorrow! Please continue to pray for Carter’s health and for some needed rest & peace for Erin and Josh.
Steve Gazaway – Please see the email below his growth group on how we need to continue to pray for our brother Steve
I just received a call directly from Steve. He is asking that we kick up the prayers. His billyrubin (spelling??) level is jumping around when it should be going down steadily. The doctor is concerned and has scheduled an ultrasound for 8:45 tomorrow morning. Please pray that the ultrasound will show that everything is healing normally and there will be no complications. We also pray that the billyrubin level will stabilize and nothing will prevent Steve & Barbara from coming home as planned on Tuesday, March 8th.
Please continue to pray for complete healing and peace for Steve as well as peace and strength for Barbara. We know their faith is strong, but even Moses needed someone to hold his arms up during a long battle.
Remember you can send words of encouragement via Steve's CaringBridge website at:
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Prayer Request for this Week
Please remember the following prayer request for this week and as often as the Lord puts them on your heart.
Pastor Brad & the series in Acts – Continue to lift Brad up everyday throughout this series in Acts as the enemy does not like the ground that is being taken and will continue his attacks on our body and it’s leaders…Brad being our senior leader takes many of this attacks head on so please join me in lifting him up for safety and health for him and his family. This week he will be teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit…so I’m sure the attacks will be flying, If the Lord would give you specific scriptures or words of encouragement for Brad I’m sure they would minister to him.
Steve Gazaway - Steve is now in rehab in Nashville and is doing well, continue to pray for him for complete healing and restoration. Pray as well for Barb for continued peace & strength in the weeks that lay ahead of them both.
Wayne Kaufman – I just spoke with Jan and Wayne’s heart cath went well. Wayne only had one significant blockage but the doctors said that it could be reversed by medication and so a stint would not be needed at this time. Praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for Wayne as he settles into a new regimen of meds, diet & exercise in the coming weeks. Also, Wayne was very appreciative of those of you who wrote prayer cards to him at the Well a few weeks back!
Women’s Retreat – Please be in prayer for our women’s retreat this weekend as around 180 women from Two Rivers will be meeting together for what promises to be a very powerful time. Pray for Mary Stone and her whole team as they put together last minute details, pray also for Peggy Price the retreat speaker for the weekend. We will be praying for the retreat and Mary & her team this Wednesday at The Well…I hope you will plan to join us!
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Prayer for Robin
Friday, February 18, 2011
Updates on Cindy Halbert and Steve Gazaway
Alvin and Lynnette Payne visited Steve yesterday at the rehab facility. His spirits are up, he's doing well, and his son Ben is spending the week with him.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Steve in Rehab
Please continue to pray for complete healing and peace for Steve as well as peace and strength for Barbara. What an incredible testimony this journey is producing.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Steve has been moved out of ICU
Remember you can send words of encouragement via Steve's CaringBridge website at:
Friday, February 11, 2011
The latest on Steve
Also, please pray for Dennis (Steve’s little first grader at Eaton School); he’s been quite upset by Steve’s illness.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
No Well Tonight! Plan on Attending "Outpouring"

Just a quick reminder that we are not having The Well tonight and want to encourage everyone to come out this Friday evening 7:00pm – 9:00 pm for “Outpouring” a night of extended worship & praise!
Please be in prayer for this event and be ready for possible prayer ministry that night if the Lord would so lead.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Praise Report for Steve!
Please be praying
-Mary Lynn Tolar's mother, Mary K, had surgery to move an artery in her leg because of potential clots. Her hospital stay has been very hard and she has been very ill from medications. She may now have pneumonia and they are talking about temporary recovery care which is scary for her mom as well as her sister Kathy and brother Dusty and ML. Mary K needs a divine touch for healing and for peace. The family needs wisdom, grace and favor with Medicare/Medicaid.
-Steve Gazaway has been having nighmares either due to the meds or satanic attack. Either way they must stop. Please join me in praying for peace & comfort for both Steve & Barbara. I am praying Isaiah 41:10 over them: Lord, I thank you for making Steve and Barbara strong and for helping them rest. I thank you for giving them peace and supporting them in your right hand that saves spiritually and physically. You are their comforter and protector!
-Sheppard Tucker's father has had to skip his chemo for the 3rd week in a row due to low red cell counts. He has one more chance to stay in the clinical trial and receive treatment on Monday, after that he is out. Please join us in praying his blood counts up! And of course, for God's miraculous healing...He is ABLE! Thank you all for your prayers. Blessings in return!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Here are some updates on those we have been praying for:
-Steve Gazaway had surgery yesterday morning to repair a tear in his instestines. The surgery went well and they were able to fix the tear. As of Sunday evening, doctors were able to remove one of the four tubes (the one in his mouth). Steve is on a pump so that he can control his pain meds. Please continue to pray for healing, strength, and protection for Steve as infection is always a concern after this third surgery in less than a week.
-Dawn McGuire is now home. Doctors did not find anything, but please pray Dawn's body will adjust to the heart surgery she had recently and she will be headache free!
-**correction from the last blog post** Kathy Johnston was NOT taken to the hospital, she was taken to the doctor for her high blood pressure. She is now home and doing fine.
-Amy Shrewsbury is out of ICU, praise God! She has been breathing on her own for a few days now but is still in the hospital as she is unable to hold any food or drink down without vomiting. The doctors are unsure what is causing this and are running tests. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, and Amy's continued healing.
-Josh Packet: in December I had told you all about Josh, a junior at Loudon High School who was in a car wreck November 5th , 2010. The accident left him without movement below his chest. Josh has had the trach removed and is off the vent, this is a HUGE praise report. He has more strength in his left arm but still can't use his fingers on either hand and has no more mobility below the waist. We will continue to pray for a FULL recovery which the doctors say can take up to two years.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray.
Friday, February 4, 2011
A few prayer requests for today
-Dawn McGuire has been having major headaches for a few days and is in the hospital. Doctor's are running tests trying to figure out exactly what is wrong. She does not want visitors, but please be praying for Dawn, that the doctors will quickly find what is causing the headaches and that her pain will be gone.
-Kathy Johnston has been taken to the hospital with very high blood pressure. Please be praying the doctors will be able to get her blood pressure under control.
-Amy Shrewsbury, a woman from 2RC South Florida, was taken to the ICU Tuesday night and put on a ventilator due to high blood sugar, blood pressure, and heart rate. There is an infection in her body which was worsened by a surgery she underwent recently. Amy is sedated and while she is stable, the doctor stated that she is not doing well. There is some concern of brain damage due to the lack of oxygen, etc. Please pray for healing for Amy!
-Dave Park is filiming the Lord's Prayer Journey on DVD tomorrow from 9:00am-4:00pm. This is an important resource for Integrity Ministries, please pray everything will go smoothly tomorrow.
We will update you on these requests as soon as we hear more information.
Blessings, Erin
Steve Gazaway
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Successful Surgery for Steve!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Steve in surgery, update on Amy
Amy Haun- Danny visitied Amy last night after her surgery. Everything went well, please pray for a quick recovery.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Prayer Requests & Updates
Just wanted to quickly update you and ask that you continue to pray for the following folks:
Amy Haun – Is now in surgery for removal of her Thyroid, please pray for all to go well and that Amy would adjust quickly to the thyroid medication without side effects. Amy is at Fort Sanders downtown. Pray also for Jeff (Amy’s Husband) who was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as he is now on new medications and diets to help reverse the progress of the disease.
Keiryn Hall – Keiryn is out of surgery and everything went well. They took out the rods and determined that the spine had not fused completely so they roughed up the bone and re-grafted the area. Then he shortened the rods to relieve the pain in the upper part of her back and put them back on. She will be recovering at Shriner’s Hospital in Lexington, KY for the next several days, please pray for the re-grafted areas to heal correctly and that this procedure would reduce or eliminate the pain that Keiryn has been experiencing.
Steve Gazaway – Steve’s liver transplant surgery last night went extremely well, Barbara called and said that all of “his numbers” that had previously been out of line are now falling into normal ranges and the doctors are amazed at how well he is recovering. Let’s continue to pray for a full recovery and that Steve’s body would accept the transplant with no complications. Continue also to pray for rest and peace for Barbara in the midst of caring for Steve.
Wayne Kaufman – Wayne’s heart cath that was scheduled for tomorrow will be re-scheduled for next week…please continue to pray for protection and health over our brother from PA.
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Prayer Request & Updates
Wendy King – Wendy continues to battle cancer, please pray for God to pour out His healing on her body. Pray for encouragement & peace for her and her family in the midst of this season.
Steve Gazaway – Steve has been undergoing many test this week to see if he is a candidate for a liver transplant. The testing has been exhausting for both Steve and Barbara…please pray for wisdom for the doctors and for favor on Steve if indeed God chooses to use this procedure in his healing. Continue to pray for both Steve & Barbara for peace and comfort during this extended stay in the hospital.
Amy Haun – Amy will be having her Thyroid removed Monday morning at Fort Sanders hospital, pray for peace for Amy and that there would be no further complications and that Amy would recover quickly.
Jim Calfee – Jim had surgery on his foot this morning and all went well…pray for Jim’s recovery to be complete without infection or reoccurrence
BIG Wednesday…See Jon Teague’s Update below!
Wow...last night was a great night! It was definitely was definitely on Wednesday...and ask Chandler Bowman if it was I'd say we delivered. But most importantly, God delivered last night! All praise goes to Him! God answered so many prayers last night. I remember sitting in the coffee shop at noon yesterday while the snow was flowing down. We prayed the weather would blow out and it was a non-factor! We've been praying for revival in the hearts of our students (and ourselves) and I believe, as one of my team members said last night, we are seeing the first fruits!
We think 8 students received Christ last night! And a number of others came to the back for prayer with our leaders and prayer team members. God was definitely on the move! Maybe one of the coolest stories was one of the dads we asked to come tend the firepits for us (his first time to ever help with us). His job was done half-way through the night so he just hung out in the back of the room. When I gave the invitation, I said that there were leaders in the back who want to pray with you. Three of the students who responded went straight to this dad! He came to build a fire....and he ended up being used by God to get fires started in those three boys' hearts!
Thanks for praying for us.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Prayer for BIG Wednesday!
Tonight the gospel will be presented to middle school students. Tonight we have an opportunity to see hearts and lives changed for eternity. I have seen God do incredible things at Big Wednesdays past. I am praying He will do incredible things tonight! I do not want this weather to have any negative impact whatsoever.
So pray for us tonight! We'll be at The Shed from 6:30-8:30pm.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Prayer Request & Updates
Please see the prayer request & updates below:
Steve Gazaway – Dave Benner & I went to visit Steve & Barbara this morning at Vanderbilt Hospital where Steve was still in ICU but was feeling some better and looked better as well. His kidneys did begin to function again which was a BIG answer to prayer. Prayer focus now needs to be as follows:
• Creatinine levels need to come down to 0.7 – 1.5 range from a very high 4.7
• Pray that kidneys would continue to function well
• God would heal his liver or make compatible liver available for transplant
• For Barbara to have wisdom, discernment and peace in the coming days & weeks
Dawn Mcguire - My heart cath is scheduled for tomorrow at 2:30. I am excited to be moving forward after almost a year of searching for answers and way too may tests and appointments. (I must say though that my doctors were all wonderful...including my first neurologist who humbly encouraged me to go for a second opinion.)
One minor glitch...Keegan just had a positive test for the flu. He got Tamiflu and doc said he should feel better by tomorrow. And Jack has been home from school for two days with a fever and stomachache but is getting better and hopefully heading back tomorrow. Please pray that I stay well and that they feel better. It will be hard for me to leave if they are sick. So grateful that God is in control!
I hope to be well enough for my physical therapy to start next week for my tailbone and weakened right side. I think I'll be ready to compete in the the Ironman come summer with my newly improved body (or is it my "properly repaired" body). Lol!
I appreciate ya'll. Blessings!
Dawn Mcguire
Danny Matthews
Update on Tom Johnson
Prayer request for Brad
My brother, Brad, has ALS (Lou Gerhig's) and is really in need of prayer. He is having bouts of respiratory distress and increased heart rate. Barring a miracle, he will likely not be with us much longer. He does not wish to have any type of ventilation or anything that will prolong his suffering. The only interventions being considered may possibly hasten the inevitable and/or make him less coherent to reduce discomfort. Please pray however u feel led and feel free to pass this to others who may also be compelled to pray. These are the prayers pressing on my heart: SALVATION, peace, comfort, blessings, and that my parents and I get to see him again on this earth and then forever in heaven.
Prayer for Johnaa
My friend Johnna just had her 30-week ultrasound and it did not go well. For the first time the doctor’s have detected what they believe to be a neurological disorder and the prognosis is not good. The doctors give this young unborn girl, Branson, two more weeks (until the 32nd week). If she does survive until birth they don’t believe she will live for long outside the womb. Please join me in crying out for Branson, my friend Johnna, her husband Will and children Eason and Jaden.
Please pray Branson is one of those children we talk about 2 years from now as a “Miracle Child”.
Please pray the Lord’s will be done and there be peace.
Update on Steve Gazaway
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Prayer for Tom Johnson and Wendy King
Tom Johnson went to the hospital today because he was feeling week. He is now staying overnight and has a triple bypass scheduled for tomorrow. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, a smooth surgery, and quick healing with minimal pain for Tom.
Wendy King and her husband Joseph are new members to 2RC and have three daughters. Wendy has been battling cancer. Last Thursday they met with a doctor at Sarah Cannon Research Institute in Nashville where they were told Wendy had to meet very strict criteria in order to be eligible for their clinical trials. She met every criteria but one, her hemoglobin needed to be higher. On friday she had a blood transfusion to raise her hemoglobin level. She will begin the Clinical trial this Friday, January 21st with the experimental drug TDM1 which has effectively stopped cancer growth in 45% of women. Wendy's acceptance to the trial is just another blessing and answer to prayer. Please be praying for Wendy and her family as she begins this trial, and for HEALING!
Thank you for praying!
Update on Pat Moe
Just spoke with Dick Moe and Pat is now out of surgery and in recovery. The doctor reported everything went well and as planned with no complications. Please continue to pray for Pat’s recovery and rehab.
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Do You Want to Grow in Your Prayer Life?
On the third Tuesday of the month we become an ASK Network group and our focus turns outward. ASK Network is an international intercessory prayer ministry that seeks to: “Gather all generations to pray for all the nations asking God to do what only He can do and doing whatever He asks of us.” Some past targets have been: the U.S. elections, local government, the Church, and Israeli. We have also partnered with the Campus House of Prayer and prayer walked the UTK campus.
It’s exciting to see God answer prayer. Come join us. If you have questions call or email Sheila Moyer, 457-1818;
Urgent request for Steve Gazaway
The doctor's were unable to attempt the surgery to remove the stone from his bile duct because Steve's kidneys are now not functioning. Pray for healing for his kidneys so that the stone can be removed. And of course for a new liver to become available for a liver transplant. Thank you all for your faithfulness to pray!
Update on Steve Gazaway
Steve is scheduled for a laparoscopic surgery (a minimally invasive surgery, because the doctors said it is not safe to open him up again) today to remove the stone which is lodged in his bile duct. He currently is running a temperature of 100. Please be praying that his temperature will go down and the surgery will be successful. Steve is in pain but has been given a medication pump to self administer meds. No news yet on when the liver transplant will occur. Keep praying for that as well.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Update on Steve Gazaway
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Barb Dilley and Ruth Thompson
2 prayer requests for women having surgery tomorrow, Friday January 14th:
-Barb Dilley, a member here at Two Rivers, will be having surgery on an infected tear duct at 9:00am tomorrow morning. Please pray for clear roads, safe travels, wisdom for the surgeon, and minimal swelling and bruising as it could affect her driving.
-82 year old Ruth Thompson has a rectal prolapse and will be having surgery at 1:00pm tomorrow. Pray for a uncomplicated surgery and a quick recovery. Ruth lives in Mississippi but has been here in Tennessee since Christmas. Her daughter in law Lisa has been taking care of her. Please pray for Lisa's testimony to family as she takes such good care of her. She is serving the Lord with such joy and the whole family is watching.
Update on Lily Grace
First of all let me thank all of you who have been praying for Lily-Grace. All of the tests came back with normal results giving no indication as to why she experienced all of the symptoms she had, total loss of motor skills, very low blood sugar, extremely high white blood count with no fever, disoriented and confused...all very scary to say the least. So, I can only conclude that God laid His healing hand on her and did what only He can do. Your prayers were heard. After a mostly sleepless night she had an EEG this morning to monitor brain activity. Also perfectly normal. All of her blood work was back to normal this morning.So, she was to be discharged a little after noon. Lily had a good nap this morning while they were waiting on the results of the EEG and when she woke up she was in rare form, making up for lost time the day before. Kim called to let me know they were bringing the discharge papers and the Dr. was going to come talk to her and then they could go home in about an hour. Told her I would be on my way. As I was walking out the door I called her to make sure she had a coat, she did, that was the extent of our conversation, less than 60 seconds. Lily was in the bed (steal crib) with the sides (6 inches taller than she is) pulled up. In the 5 seconds that Kim turned around during our conversation, Lily pulled herself up over the side of the crib and as the Dr. was walking through the door she fell off of the side of the crib landed on her back and hit her head with a very hard hit. The Dr. saw it all and they were on their way back to CT for a second scan. When I got there they were waiting on the results. So, finally about 4:30 the Dr. came in to say no obvious damage just wake her up every 3 hours tonight and watch her for the next 48 hours for any signs of anything. She goes back to her Pediatrician on Friday for a follow-up check.We left the hospital about 5:30 and they are now home, hopefully both sleeping. Kim was exhausted to say the least. I stayed for a while, fixed their dinner so Kim could sit down. Lily played. She was glad to be home. Kim did not get the nap we had intended but we thought we would get home earlier. Hopefully they got to bed early.I do believe Lily must have several guardian angels and they take care of her in shifts. We should pray for them too because they are going to need to stay strong to handle this tiny little dynamo! Praying for this energy and intelligence to be fully surrendered to the Lord at a very early age. If it isn't I'm sure I will be calling on you to pray a lot for a very long time.Thank you again, she is going strong.Praising God with Thanksgiving,Dianne
Pray for the "ENCOUNTER" Conference at 2RCSFL

Dear Intercessors and Staff,
Please be in prayer starting Friday evening and throughout the weekend for 2RCSF for their first “Encounter” conference (aka Listen Up). As of today they have 150 folks registered both from their church and community. They are bringing in Brad Jersak to teach and 2RC Knoxville will be sending prayer teams down to help them facilitate “Listening Prayer” for those that attend.
Please pray for:
• Pastor Steve Pridmore & Diana Ramirez and their team handling last minute details & logistics that all would go as planned
• Brad & Eden Jersak as they travel to Florida and in preparation for the event
• Safe travels for the 2RC teams going to serve from Knoxville and protection for their families while away
• For the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of everyone attending for the work that God wants to accomplish and for the foundations He wants to establish.
• Pray that any and all attempts of the evil one to come against this event and it’s purposes would be rendered useless and ineffective by the power of the Holy Spirit.
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Steve Gazaway
Steve Gazaway, a member here at Two Rivers, went into the hospital today for what he thought was routine bile duct surgery but there were major complications including a burst blood vessel and lots of blood loss. Doctors are now saying that there are some severe liver complications and there is a possibility that he may need a liver transplant. Please pray for healing for Steve, and for his family.
The WELL is "ON" for Tonight
Update on Kathleen Lucas
As a result of a head on collision with a semi, Kathleen has a shattered pelvis, some internal bleeding, and a breathing tube. The doctor has told her family that if she has no neurological changes in the next 24-36 hours, she should be ok. Praise God she is alive! Kathleen will have a long recovery, please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Update on Lily Grace
Lily Grace & Kathleen Lucas
Two prayer requests this afternoon:
-2 1/2 year old Lily Grace (daughter of Kimberly Spear-Preyer, grandaughter of Dianne Spear) is in the children's emergency room with an undetermined condition. She is unresponsive, has no muscle control, and no fever. They are currently running all kinds of tests. Please pray for healing for this little girl, wisdom for the doctors, and peace for her family.
-Kathleen Lucas (cousin of Kim Lucas) was in a car accident and hit head on by a semi. We do not currently have any other details. Pray for Kathleen, that her injuries would be minimal!
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Kapaya Family
We received a letter in the mail yeseterday from the Kapaya family in Sudan. If you do not know, there is a referendum on Southern Sudan's independence scheduled for this Sunday, January 9th. Because the government is based in the North, Southerners have been discriminated against and have fought for years at the attempts to impose Islamic law over the whole country. Almost 4 million southerners have registered to vote. Voting will last for 7 days.
The Kapaya's are from the South where most are Christians. Most people from the North are Muslims. They have requested we pray for the South to win the election. Please keep this family, and all of Sudan in your prayers.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Update on Bill Bauer
The Family of Carol Scism
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Well Cancelled Tonight!
Due to inclement weather The Well will be cancelled tonight but will resume next Wednesday evening 7:00 – 9:00.
Urgent Prayer Request for Bob Rose
I just received a call from Clark Rose that his dad, Bob Rose, is in the ICU in Chattanooga with two pulmonary embolisms. (Blood clots in the heart.)
He is stable, but would appreciate us praying. Clarks Mom has high blood pressure too, so she is also a concern.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for our church family!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Prayer Request for Today
Please be in prayer today for the following members:
Bill Bauer – Bill is having back surgery this morning at Parkwest hospital and is expected to stay at least one night. Please pray for a quick and trouble free recovery for Bill.
Terri Rogers – Terry is having her tonsils removed this morning, also at Parkwest, she should be released today. Pray against infection and for a speedy recovery for Terri as well.
As always, thank you for your faithfulness to pray!